Beginner’s Mind
An innovative Double IPA by Tree House Brewing Company
(Tree House Double IPA - 8.2% ABV)
The original concept for Beginner’s Mind originally came to us in early 2014 prior to the Extreme Beer Festival. The concept for that beer ultimately turned into Juice Machine, but the idea of approaching our craft with a Beginner’s Mind has stayed with us since. To that end, we are pleased to finally introduce a beer that was originally dreamed up over six years ago and has haunted our headspace since. Beginner’s Mind is a Tree House Double IPA brewed with a careful and unique-to-us selection of American & Australian hops. Carving out a distinctive place in our line-up, it pours an opaque orange color in the glass and tastes of ripe summer melon, tropical fruit salad, clementine juice, and mango ice cream. This beer has swagger - You won’t find anything else like it.
Beginner’s Mind is a mindset we subscribe to that requires humility by engaging familiar problems with openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions as if we were complete beginners. This mindset has enabled us to constantly improve and retain a childhood sense of awe and wonder with our work. It is critical to who we are, and who we wish to become - Within a defined framework, each successive batch of Beginner’s Mind will aggressively challenge our notions of what works and what doesn’t, casting aside complacency in the name of risk and progress. We hope you enjoy the journey as much as we do!