

A new core American IPA by Tree House Brewing Company

We have spent this challenging time refocusing our efforts on what matters to us the most as brewers, and on contemplating how we can best expend our energy to bring joy to your lives through communal beverages as we have worked so hard at since our founding in 2011.

We believe more strongly than ever that consistently putting forth a core set of distinctive beers that mark the pinnacle of our efforts will bring you the most joy and satisfaction as fans of Tree House.

To that end, we are pleased to introduce Daze!

Daze fills an enormous hole in our line-up by presenting you with a single IPA rendition of Haze.

Like its sister beers Julius, Green, Alter Ego, and Sap, Daze is in the absolute sweet spot for maximum flavor, enjoyability, and drinkability. Not as light as a pale ale and not as heavy as a double IPA, Daze presents with all of the wondrous flavors of and character of Haze in a slightly less alcoholic package.

Daze pours a glowing yellow color in the glass and puts forth flavors and aromas of peach nectar, orange juice, and sweetened grapefruit. It is balanced by a soft and thirst quenching bitterness that gently graces your palate with tropical hop oils.

A new single IPA in our line-up is extremely rare for a reason - the beer has to make sense, it has to be great, and it has to be the kind of beer you gravitate toward in any circumstance. Beer for living. Daze is a natural extension of our line-up and fills the void as beautifully as we all hoped it would.

We can’t wait for you to try it!
