An ongoing glimpse into Tree House.
The energy and focus of the Tree House team at any given moment is extraordinary. It is easy to grow accustomed to the madness of a brewery on a mission with regular tank arrivals, construction projects, equipment arrivals, retail sales, brewing experiments, shots in the dark, and so much more. This stream was built to enjoy and reflect upon the soul, energy, people, curiosity, and relentless spirit that goes into Tree House Brewing Company. Photos are taken the week of posting. Short stories may also intermingle with daily photos. Best viewed on a desktop or laptop. Enjoy!
What a day!
This Friday saw us finally receive a host of tanks from three different long-standing orders… all on the same day. When it rains tanks, it pours tanks, I suppose. These tanks will significantly advance our lager project and give us more flexibility for our bread & butter beers. We are energized!
Weird House Brewing Company.
We have been utilizing the time during the pandemic to completely re-imagine the Tree House property and customer experience. Relentless progress.
Daily quality control!
A recent batch of King Julius looking and tasting perfect out of the gate.